How WordPress Makes Money and Amazes Everyone! – 2023

Welcome to the world of WordPress – the incredibly popular Content Management System (CMS) that has transformed from a humble blogging platform to an indispensable resource for countless websites worldwide. If you’ve ever wondered how WordPress manages to offer its powerful software for free while being the leading CMS on the internet, then this article is for you! Join us as we explore the fascinating ways WordPress makes money while ensuring its users enjoy an exceptional and cost-free platform. Let’s dive in!

In this blog post, we will uncover the secrets behind how WordPress Makes Money. So, get ready to gain insights into the world of WordPress profitability while still prioritizing your convenience and satisfaction!

Understanding the Freemium Model

In a business world, there is a special term called “Freemium.” It means companies give some of their features for free to users. But if users want more advanced features, they have to pay for it

WordPress Makes Money using Freemium Model

The basic WordPress software is available for free, which helps users to try it out and experience its functionality. This strategy enables the WordPress to capture large user base. This helps WordPress to create a strong community of developers, content creators and designers.

WordPress uses this freemium model. Using this technique, WordPress makes money. They offer their basic services for free and lots of people use them happily. But some people need extra features, so they choose to pay for them. In this way, WordPress can generate revenue.

Premium Themes and Plugins

While the basic WordPress software is free, some users also want additional features and customization options for their websites. This demand of users has given rise to a thriving marketplace for premium themes and plugins.

WordPress Earn Money using Premium Themes and Plugins

Different companies and developers create special plugins and themes to add extra feature for WordPress websites. They make websites look betterand work in a new ways.

When people wan to use these plugins and themes, they have to pay for them. The money they pay goes to WordPress and this helps WordPress make money. By offering these premium themes and plugins , WordPress is able to earn it’s revenue. – The Hosted Platform is a hosted platform offered by a company called Automattic. Automattic is the parent company of WordPress. Unlike the self-hosted version of WordPress, which requires users to manage their web hosting, provides a managed hosting solution.

Users pay for various plans, each offering different levels of features and customizations. This subscription-based revenue model has become a substantial income stream for WordPress.

VIP Hosting

WordPress has a special hosting service called VIP hosting. It is designed for websites that have large number of visitors. This is a premium service that offers the best security to make sure these websites run smoothly.

Big companies and popular media sites often choose VIP hosting because it is helpful for them and it meets their needs. When they subscribe to this premium service and pay for it, WordPress earns money.

Advertising and Sponsered Content

WordPress has a built-in feature that lets users show ads on their websites. When the visitors of the website click on these ads or see them (impressions), WordPress makes money.

Apart from ads, WordPress also works with the companies and advertisers. They collaborate with the content creators to create sponsored content, which means the companies pay to have their products featured on the blogs. It’s a way for bloggers to earn something while still providing valuable content to their readers.

WooCommerce – The E-Commerce Solution

WooCommerce, an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress has revolutionized online shopping. It helps website owner to create and mange their online store easily.

While WooCommerce itself is free, the platform generates revenue by offering extensions, premium themes designed specifically for online stores, and transaction fees on sales made through WooCommerce-powered websites. This e-commerce ecosystem contributes significantly to WordPress’s overall revenue. VIP Program

The VIP program is a special service designed for important publishers and big companies. It provides them with exclusive and top-notch support. However, this service is a bit expensive compared to regular options.

Because it costs more, it helps WordPress make money. But in return, VIP clients get excellent service and performance, making sure their websites run smoothly and flawlessly. It’s a premium service for special clients, benefiting both WordPress and the clients!

JetPack – Features and Security

JetPack is the powerful plugin developed by a company called Automattic to make WordPress website even better. It adds lots of useful things like extra features, tools to keep the website safe, and ways to make it faster and smoother.

If you want to use Jetpack, you can pick from different plans that offer more advanced features. When people choose these plans and pay money for them, it helps WordPress make money. So, JetPack is a great way to improve your website and it also supports WordPress financially!

Affiliate Marketing

 Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company pays third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

WordPress has a program where they partner with different companies that offer themes, plugins and hosting services related to WordPress. These companies become affiliates which means they promote the WordPress products to their own customers. In return, if someones buys a product from these affiliates, WordPress give them commision or some kind of payment.

This process benifits both WordPress and its affiliate because in this way WordPress gets more customers through their promotion and the affiliates earn money by referring people to WordPress products.

Training and Certification

WordPress provides training courses and certifications for people who want to learn and improve their skills. These courses cover various topics, starting from the basics of creating a website to more advanced topics like creating plugins.

When people take these courses and pay for certificate, that money helps WordPress stay at the top as a leading platform. People learn valuable skills, and WordPress earns revenue to keep growing and improving.

Contributions and Donations

The WordPress community is very helpful and caring. Many people willingly donate money to support the platform. This is the beauty of WordPress. The contributions by the people help keep the open-source WordPress software running smoothly and updated.

The dedication of community to giving back shows how much they love and want to help WordPress grow and improve. Their donations ensure that WordPress continues to be a successful platform for eveyone to use and enjoy.


In summary, WordPress makes money in different ways. They have both free and paid services. The free service is very useful for those who are just begineers but some users choose to pay extra features, themes, plugins, hosting and e-commerce tools. This brings in revenue for WordPress.

They also have ads on some websites which makes them money too. All of these strategies help WordPress keep growing and stay one of the best platforms for creating websites on the Internet.

Hope you have understood the business model of WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to speed up your website  and Speed Optimization Scams .

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How much does the core WordPress software cost?

The core WordPress software is available for free, and you can download and use it without any charge.

Can I use premium themes and plugins on the free version of WordPress?

No, premium themes and plugins are only available for self-hosted WordPress installations or’s paid plans.

Is VIP hosting suitable for my website? VIP hosting is designed for high-traffic and enterprise-level websites that require premium support and enhanced security.

Can I monetize my WordPress blog through ads and sponsored content?

Yes, offers an ad program, and you can also engage in sponsored content collaborations to earn revenue.

How can I contribute to the WordPress community?

You can contribute to the WordPress community by donating to the platform or getting involved in its development and support.

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